- Collectorate
- Vikas bhawan
- Tehsil
- Village and Panchayat
- Police
- Health
- Education
- Constituencies
In Collectorate having a lot of offices like DM Office, ADM office , City Magistrae , SDM Sadar office, Vinimit Kshetra Office , Bhulekh Department , NIC office and many more.
District Farrukhabad is divided into 3 Tehsils, 7 development blocks, 603 Gram Panchayats and 14 Police Stations.
- Sadar, Farrukhabad
- Kaimganj
- Amritpur
- Barhpur
- Kamalganj
- Mohamdabad
- Kaimganj
- Nawabganj
- Shamsbad
- Rajepur
The district police is headed by a Superintendent of Police (SP), and is assisted by One Additional Superintendents of Police (Addl. SP) .Also having Four Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP).